11/5 post Howard discussion questions

  1.  Howard mentions that when psychologist were writing on a topic they were familiar with, they did not use patch work, but when faced with a text from a unfamiliar field, they stuck with the language of the text and paraphrased more. Is the reason for students plagiarizing the fact they they are not familiar enough with the subject they are writing on?
  2. Howard discusses the case of the Chinese student who did not believe she had the “word stock” to write the paper she was assigned. Was the Chinese student completely to blame for the incident or should blame be placed on the professor for assigning a paper the class was not ready for?
  3. Howard questions the recruitment of foreign students for the tuition money they provide. Is it fair to force foreign students to learn the curriculum regular students are learning, but in a foreign language?
  4. At the end of the video Howard states that she does not understand how we are expecting foreign students to accomplish a goal that the psychology professor could not do and then punishing them when they fail. Is it fair to compare the Chinese girls experience to that of the psychology professors?.

Questions about Howard + Rose

  1. When talking about rap Rose mentions the idea of “sampling. Sampling is the borrowing of music for a new piece. In an academic environment Howard would argue this plagiarism. Is sampling respect or plagiarism?
  2. Howard argues that patchwork, copying, and plagiarism are often caused by the author knowing too little about what he/she is writing or lack the skills to write on it. Is sampling in rap music a result of lack of experience by the artist?

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